Unico Recipes




3 ripe tomatoes
3 ripe figs
1 small melon
2 oz of Italian salami, sliced thinly
6 slices of prosciutto
6 slices of bresaola
½ cup UNICO Medium Pitted Olives
Gallo Pure Olive Oil
freshly ground black pepper, to serve
4 thin slices of mortadella
4 fresh basil leaves, chopped

PREPARATION: Slice the tomatoes thinly and cut the figs into quarters. Halve the melon, scoop out seeds, and cut the flesh into wedges.

Arrange the meats on one half of a serving platter. Arrange the tomato slices in the center and sprinkle with basil leaves and oil.

Cover the rest of the platter with figs and melon and scatter the olives over the meats. Serve with a little extra olive oil to drizzle over the bresaola, and sprinkle with coarsely ground black pepper.

PREPRATION TIME: 15-20 minutes

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